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Our Stories

New Year, New Stress
Now, I know what you may be thinking... Okay Jen, this is great but now you've made me want to completely change my original resolutions to something a bit more...
New Year, New Stress
Now, I know what you may be thinking... Okay Jen, this is great but now you've made me want to completely change my original resolutions to something a bit more...

5 Ways To Genuinely Connect With Others
Building a meaningful human connection can be quite challenging and despite wanting this kind of connection, some people might not understand or show up for you and that's ok. It's...
5 Ways To Genuinely Connect With Others
Building a meaningful human connection can be quite challenging and despite wanting this kind of connection, some people might not understand or show up for you and that's ok. It's...

Grief Over The Holidays
More importantly, if you experience happiness, please allow it to enter into your grief space and be present with the people around you. Be kind to yourself and try to take...
Grief Over The Holidays
More importantly, if you experience happiness, please allow it to enter into your grief space and be present with the people around you. Be kind to yourself and try to take...

Local Love For Local Businesses
We know what you're thinking.. but shopping local doesn't necessarily mean you need to break the bank... so we've curated a list of our favourite small businesses that are jam...
Local Love For Local Businesses
We know what you're thinking.. but shopping local doesn't necessarily mean you need to break the bank... so we've curated a list of our favourite small businesses that are jam...

Mental Health Around The Holidays
Here are some practical tips, you can use to minimize the stress that will accompany your holidays and who knows, you may even end up enjoying the holidays more than...
Mental Health Around The Holidays
Here are some practical tips, you can use to minimize the stress that will accompany your holidays and who knows, you may even end up enjoying the holidays more than...

Marnie & Michael 2021 Holiday Gift Guide
The Marnie & Michael 2021 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE is committed to highlighting products that align with our core goal of continually supporting the mental health initiative.
Marnie & Michael 2021 Holiday Gift Guide
The Marnie & Michael 2021 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE is committed to highlighting products that align with our core goal of continually supporting the mental health initiative.