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Our Stories

SPRING REVIVAL: Exclusive Spring Product Line, ...
Hi everyone, Thanks for being here! I hope this note finds you well and itching for spring and warmer temperatures. I am so thrilled with my team right now. We...
SPRING REVIVAL: Exclusive Spring Product Line, ...
Hi everyone, Thanks for being here! I hope this note finds you well and itching for spring and warmer temperatures. I am so thrilled with my team right now. We...

Holiday Gift Guide for Shoppers Who Love Canadi...
With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to get gift shopping, friends! If you’re looking to support small businesses and Canadian artisans this year, consider buying unique gifts from...
Holiday Gift Guide for Shoppers Who Love Canadi...
With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to get gift shopping, friends! If you’re looking to support small businesses and Canadian artisans this year, consider buying unique gifts from...

Holiday Gift Guide: Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.
This year, more than ever, we've noticed an upward trend in friends and family wanting to invest in quality slow-fashion pieces that are crafted with care, durable enough for everyday use, and...
Holiday Gift Guide: Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.
This year, more than ever, we've noticed an upward trend in friends and family wanting to invest in quality slow-fashion pieces that are crafted with care, durable enough for everyday use, and...

We love to collaborate!
In 2021, the owner of this store, Linda, walked into MARNIE & MICHAEL. She has family in the area and wanted to check out our bags. She is the type...
We love to collaborate!
In 2021, the owner of this store, Linda, walked into MARNIE & MICHAEL. She has family in the area and wanted to check out our bags. She is the type...

Summer Bucket List Inspiration
There is something about summer that brings out the life in us, am I right? With relaxed schedules, longer days and no pressure of homework,summer is the perfect time to put...
Summer Bucket List Inspiration
There is something about summer that brings out the life in us, am I right? With relaxed schedules, longer days and no pressure of homework,summer is the perfect time to put...

Mom's Journal, Entry 1
I have no idea how I managed to pass as normal, except that I made huge efforts to cover up the despair and pain. It seemed beyond my control to...
Mom's Journal, Entry 1
I have no idea how I managed to pass as normal, except that I made huge efforts to cover up the despair and pain. It seemed beyond my control to...