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Holiday Gift Guide for Shoppers Who Love Canadi...
With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to get gift shopping, friends! If you’re looking to support small businesses and Canadian artisans this year, consider buying unique gifts from...
Holiday Gift Guide for Shoppers Who Love Canadi...
With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to get gift shopping, friends! If you’re looking to support small businesses and Canadian artisans this year, consider buying unique gifts from...

Holiday Gift Guide: Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.
This year, more than ever, we've noticed an upward trend in friends and family wanting to invest in quality slow-fashion pieces that are crafted with care, durable enough for everyday use, and...
Holiday Gift Guide: Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.
This year, more than ever, we've noticed an upward trend in friends and family wanting to invest in quality slow-fashion pieces that are crafted with care, durable enough for everyday use, and...

Local Love For Local Businesses
We know what you're thinking.. but shopping local doesn't necessarily mean you need to break the bank... so we've curated a list of our favourite small businesses that are jam...
Local Love For Local Businesses
We know what you're thinking.. but shopping local doesn't necessarily mean you need to break the bank... so we've curated a list of our favourite small businesses that are jam...

Marnie & Michael 2021 Holiday Gift Guide
The Marnie & Michael 2021 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE is committed to highlighting products that align with our core goal of continually supporting the mental health initiative.
Marnie & Michael 2021 Holiday Gift Guide
The Marnie & Michael 2021 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE is committed to highlighting products that align with our core goal of continually supporting the mental health initiative.