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Our Stories

I Want You To Be Happy Day
Today our goal is to make others happy. We focus on others first. I know what you're thinking... "compliments" and "wishes of happiness" will do and sure, that's a great...
I Want You To Be Happy Day
Today our goal is to make others happy. We focus on others first. I know what you're thinking... "compliments" and "wishes of happiness" will do and sure, that's a great...

Blood doesn't choose your family, you do!
Unfortunately sometimes your relatives just can’t do that for you and that is OKAY. There is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes, we are offered the chance to pick and choose...
Blood doesn't choose your family, you do!
Unfortunately sometimes your relatives just can’t do that for you and that is OKAY. There is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes, we are offered the chance to pick and choose...

Self Compassion & How To Start Practicing It
Now, self-compassion involves acting the same way towards yourself when you are having a difficult time instead of ignoring your pain. Instead of judging and criticizing yourself for your possible...
Self Compassion & How To Start Practicing It
Now, self-compassion involves acting the same way towards yourself when you are having a difficult time instead of ignoring your pain. Instead of judging and criticizing yourself for your possible...

Mental Health + Black History Month
As you know, mental health does not discriminate based on race or background BUT those factors can make access to mental health much more difficult and the ongoing stigma surrounding...
Mental Health + Black History Month
As you know, mental health does not discriminate based on race or background BUT those factors can make access to mental health much more difficult and the ongoing stigma surrounding...

Mental Health and the LGBTQ Community
In some countries in the world, this month is LGBTQ+ History awareness month. As we all know, being different can feel very lonely, especially when that ‘difference’ is mocked, ridiculed,...
Mental Health and the LGBTQ Community
In some countries in the world, this month is LGBTQ+ History awareness month. As we all know, being different can feel very lonely, especially when that ‘difference’ is mocked, ridiculed,...

Mind & Body Connection For Health
Jennifer and I are back this year and so excited to offer you a FREE WORKSHOP that dives deep into the link between your microbiome and your mental health. In December, I...
Mind & Body Connection For Health
Jennifer and I are back this year and so excited to offer you a FREE WORKSHOP that dives deep into the link between your microbiome and your mental health. In December, I...