How Books, Blogs and Bags Changed Herstory with Guest Jennifer St John
Ep. 47
Jennifer’s story is one of survival, coping and healing through the experience of being 1 of four daughters of a brilliant woman suffering through the anguish of an undiagnosed and untreated mental health illness.
Striving so long to just be happy, Jennifer sought out ways to shut out her past and create a better life. Only to realize, that her happiness wasn’t going to come from negating her story, but from embracing it.
Her journey and choice to create a life and business that continuously connects with and gives back to those, who like her, are doing the best they can to love, support and care for those with mental health issues, is inspiring and life-affirming.
Her business Marnie & Michael (lovingly named after her parents, who sadly passed away within 10 months of each other) is a social entity that combines writing, leather creations and an online community of survivors.
Learn more and connect with Jennifer at
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